# 版本说明
# 升级所有包同时也升级软件和系统内核
yum update -y
# selinux配置
setenforce 0sed -i "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g" /etc/selinux/config
# 安装依赖包
yum -y install wget gcc epel-release git vim
# 安装 Redis, Jumpserver 使用 Redis 做 cache 和 celery broke
yum -y install redissystemctl enable redissystemctl start redis
# 安装 MySQL(centos7下叫mariadb)
yum -y install mariadb mariadb-devel mariadb-server MariaDB-sharedsystemctl enable mariadbsystemctl start mariadb
# 创建数据库 Jumpserver 并授权
mysql -urootcreate database jumpserver default charset 'utf8';grant all on jumpserver.* to 'jumpserver'@'' identified by 'wmq20151118';flush privileges;
# 安装 Python3.6
yum -y install python36 python36-devel
# 配置并载入 Python3 虚拟环境
cd /optpython3.6 -m venv py3source /opt/py3/bin/activate
# 看到下面的提示符代表成功, 以后运行 Jumpserver 都要先运行以上 source 命令, 载入环境后默认以下所有命令均在该虚拟环境中运行
(py3) [root@localhost py3]
# 下载 Jumpserver
cd /opt/git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/jumpserver/jumpserver.git
# 安装依赖 RPM 包
yum -y install $(cat /opt/jumpserver/requirements/rpm_requirements.txt)
# 安装 Python 库依赖
pip install --upgrade pip setuptoolspip install -r /opt/jumpserver/requirements/requirements.txt
# 复制 Jumpserver 配置文件
cd /opt/jumpservercp config_example.yml config.yml
加密秘钥 生产环境中请修改为随机字符串, 请勿外泄, PS: 纯数字不可以
SECRET_KEY=`cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 50`echo "SECRET_KEY=$SECRET_KEY" >> ~/.bashrc
预共享Token coco和guacamole用来注册服务账号, 不在使用原来的注册接受机制
BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN=`cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 16` echo "BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN=$BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN" >> ~/.bashrc
# 修改配置文件
sed -i "s/SECRET_KEY:/SECRET_KEY: $SECRET_KEY/g" /opt/jumpserver/config.ymlsed -i "s/BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN:/BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN: $BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN/g" /opt/jumpserver/config.ymlsed -i "s/# DEBUG: true/DEBUG: false/g" /opt/jumpserver/config.ymlsed -i "s/# LOG_LEVEL: DEBUG/LOG_LEVEL: ERROR/g" /opt/jumpserver/config.ymlsed -i "s/# SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE: false/SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE: true/g" /opt/jumpserver/config.ymlsed -i "s/DB_PASSWORD: /DB_PASSWORD: $DB_PASSWORD/g" /opt/jumpserver/config.yml
# 查看完整 config.yml 配置文件
cat /opt/jumpserver/config.yml
# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!# 加密秘钥 生产环境中请修改为随机字符串,请勿外泄, 可使用命令生成 # $ cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 49;echoSECRET_KEY: c1NVKkBQonam9CqX8AWqLiCt4PMGmJTr3DYFGePG0Nz3QD9uY4# SECURITY WARNING: keep the bootstrap token used in production secret!# 预共享Token coco和guacamole用来注册服务账号,不在使用原来的注册接受机制BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN: nfmBa3WkbQ8leRRb# Development env open this, when error occur display the full process track, Production disable it# DEBUG 模式 开启DEBUG后遇到错误时可以看到更多日志DEBUG: false# DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL can set. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/topics/logging/# 日志级别LOG_LEVEL: ERROR# LOG_DIR: # Session expiration setting, Default 24 hour, Also set expired on on browser close# 浏览器Session过期时间,默认24小时, 也可以设置浏览器关闭则过期# SESSION_COOKIE_AGE: 86400SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE: true# Database setting, Support sqlite3, mysql, postgres ....# 数据库设置# See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/settings/#databases# SQLite setting:# 使用单文件sqlite数据库# DB_ENGINE: sqlite3# DB_NAME: # MySQL or postgres setting like:# 使用Mysql作为数据库DB_ENGINE: mysqlDB_HOST: 3306DB_USER: jumpserverDB_PASSWORD: wmq20151118DB_NAME: jumpserver# When Django start it will bind this host and port# ./manage.py runserver 运行时绑定端口HTTP_BIND_HOST: 8080# Use Redis as broker for celery and web socket# Redis配置REDIS_HOST: 6379# REDIS_PASSWORD: # REDIS_DB_CELERY: 3# REDIS_DB_CACHE: 4# Use OpenID authorization# 使用OpenID 来进行认证设置# BASE_SITE_URL: http://localhost:8080# AUTH_OPENID: false # True or False# AUTH_OPENID_SERVER_URL: https://openid-auth-server.com/# AUTH_OPENID_REALM_NAME: realm-name# AUTH_OPENID_CLIENT_ID: client-id# AUTH_OPENID_CLIENT_SECRET: client-secret## Use Radius authorization# 使用Radius来认证# AUTH_RADIUS: false# RADIUS_SERVER: localhost# RADIUS_PORT: 1812# RADIUS_SECRET: # OTP settings# OTP/MFA 配置# OTP_VALID_WINDOW: 0# OTP_ISSUER_NAME: Jumpserver
# 运行 Jumpserver
cd /opt/jumpserver./jms start all -d
# 开机自启
vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/jms.service[Unit]Description=jmsAfter=network.target mariadb.service redis.serviceWants=mariadb.service redis.service[Service]Type=forkingEnvironment="PATH=/opt/py3/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin"ExecStart=/opt/jumpserver/jms start all -dExecReload=ExecStop=/opt/jumpserver/jms stop[Install]WantedBy=multi-user.target
cd /opt/git clone https://github.com/jumpserver/coco.gitcd /opt/cocoyum -y install $(cat /opt/coco/requirements/rpm_requirements.txt)pip install -r /opt/coco/requirements/requirements.txt
# 复制配置文件
cp config_example.yml config.yml
# 配置文件完整配置
cat /opt/coco/config.yml
# 项目名称, 会用来向Jumpserver注册, 识别而已, 不能重复# NAME: { { Hostname }}# Jumpserver项目的url, api请求注册会使用CORE_HOST: Bootstrap Token, 预共享秘钥, 用来注册coco使用的service account和terminal# 请和jumpserver 配置文件中保持一致,注册完成后可以删除BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN: nfmBa3WkbQ8leRRb# 启动时绑定的ip, 默认 BIND_HOST: 监听的SSH端口号, 默认2222# SSHD_PORT: 2222# 监听的HTTP/WS端口号,默认5000# HTTPD_PORT: 5000# 项目使用的ACCESS KEY, 默认会注册,并保存到 ACCESS_KEY_STORE中,# 如果有需求, 可以写到配置文件中, 格式 access_key_id:access_key_secret# ACCESS_KEY: null# ACCESS KEY 保存的地址, 默认注册后会保存到该文件中# ACCESS_KEY_FILE: data/keys/.access_key# 加密密钥# SECRET_KEY: null# 设置日志级别 [DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, CRITICAL]LOG_LEVEL: ERROR# 日志存放的目录# LOG_DIR: logs# SSH白名单# ALLOW_SSH_USER: all# SSH黑名单, 如果用户同时在白名单和黑名单,黑名单优先生效# BLOCK_SSH_USER:# -# 和Jumpserver 保持心跳时间间隔# HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL: 5# Admin的名字,出问题会提示给用户# ADMINS: ''# SSH连接超时时间 (default 15 seconds)# SSH_TIMEOUT: 15# 语言 [en,zh]# LANGUAGE_CODE: zh# SFTP的根目录, 可选 /tmp, Home其他自定义目录# SFTP_ROOT: /tmp# SFTP是否显示隐藏文件# SFTP_SHOW_HIDDEN_FILE: false# 是否复用和用户后端资产已建立的连接(用户不会复用其他用户的连接)# REUSE_CONNECTION: true
# 后台启动coco
/opt/coco/cocod start -d
# 开机自启
vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/coco.service[Unit]Description=cocoAfter=network.target jms.service[Service]Type=forkingPIDFile=/opt/coco/coco.pidEnvironment="PATH=/opt/py3/bin"ExecStart=/opt/coco/cocod start -dExecReload=ExecStop=/opt/coco/cocod stop[Install]WantedBy=multi-user.target
# 安装 Web Terminal 前端: Luna 需要 Nginx 来运行访问 访问(https://github.com/jumpserver/luna/releases)下载对应版本的 release 包, 直接解压, 不需要编译
cd /optwget https://github.com/jumpserver/luna/releases/download/1.5.0/luna.tar.gz
# 如果网络有问题导致下载无法完成可以使用下面地址
wget https://demo.jumpserver.org/download/luna/1.5.0/luna.tar.gz
# 解压
tar xf luna.tar.gzchown -R root:root luna
# 安装 Nginx, 用作代理服务器整合 Jumpserver 与各个组件
vim /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo[nginx]name=nginx repobaseurl=http://nginx.org/packages/centos/7/$basearch/gpgcheck=0enabled=1
yum -y install nginx
# 配置 Nginx 整合各组件
rm -rf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/jumpserver.confserver { # http自动跳转到https listen 80; server_name jump.wmqhealth.com; rewrite ^ https://$http_host$request_uri? permanent; }server { # 代理端口, 以后将通过此端口进行访问, 不再通过8080端口 listen 443 ssl; ssl_certificate ssl/jump.wmqhealth.com.pem; ssl_certificate_key ssl/jump.wmqhealth.com.key; server_name jump.wmqhealth.com; # 修改成你的域名或者注释掉 client_max_body_size 100m; # 录像及文件上传大小限制 location /luna/ { try_files $uri / /index.html; alias /opt/luna/; # luna 路径, 如果修改安装目录, 此处需要修改 } location /media/ { add_header Content-Encoding gzip; root /opt/jumpserver/data/; # 录像位置, 如果修改安装目录, 此处需要修改 } location /static/ { root /opt/jumpserver/data/; # 静态资源, 如果修改安装目录, 此处需要修改 } location /socket.io/ { proxy_pass http://localhost:5000/socket.io/; # 如果coco安装在别的服务器, 请填写它的ip proxy_buffering off; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; access_log off; } location /coco/ { proxy_pass http://localhost:5000/coco/; # 如果coco安装在别的服务器, 请填写它的ip proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; access_log off; } location /guacamole/ { proxy_pass http://localhost:8081/; # 如果guacamole安装在别的服务器, 请填写它的ip proxy_buffering off; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; access_log off; } location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; # 如果jumpserver安装在别的服务器, 请填写它的ip proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; }}
# 运行 Nginx
nginx -tsystemctl enable nginxsystemctl start nginx
# 访问 UI (注意 没有 :8080 通过 nginx 代理端口进行访问):
默认账号: admin 密码: admin 到会话管理-终端管理 接受 coco 等应用的注册# 测试ssh连接
ssh -p2222 admin@密码: admin
#启动systemctl start mariadbsystemctl start redissystemctl start jmssystemctl start cocosystemctl start nginx